Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Today my thoughts are focused on integrity. Research shows that the majority of the world population is below the level of integrity. This means the majority of the people cannot tell truth from false. This means they are dishonest with themselves and others. This means their values justifies falsifying information, lying, cheating and not keeping up with commitments, to themselves and others. This means these people cannot experience the empathy for others, that they are not connected to their heart. Integrity is the foundation of self-esteem and spiritual development. We may get away from fooling others, but we can never fool the ever present witness within. The evolution of your consciousness depends on who you are, and that very much includes what you do when no one else is looking! Every spiritual teaching suggests that lack of integrity is a serious spiritual flaw that brings forth painful karmic consequences. One of the major shifts in consciousness of our planet will occur on the day where atleast 50% of world population rise above the level of integrity.


nibha said...

hey very well writen.

Anonymous said...

hey very thought provokingly written nibha.