Saturday, 19 October 2013

Promise is a BIG word

" Promise Is a Big Word It either Makes Something Or It Break Everthing ".

A promise is a promise. Whether it’s a tiny promise or a huge promise….. it’s a promise. I promise to come pick you up, I promise to write, I promise to watch that movie, I promise to be faithful, I promise to do that or do this, I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise…..!
A promise is an assuring thing, a wonderful assuring thing as long as the promise is kept. Keeping a promise shows that one cares – that one can be trusted – that one think you are worth the time spent to keep up with the promise. A broken promise on the other hand shows the complete opposite. So be careful with the word promise – one broken promise is one too many!
Even though the promised thing wasn’t a big thing it’s still a big deal. A promise means something to the person it was promised to and breaking it is a huge violation of that persons trust and a major setback if not an ending in the relationship – friend, love, business, whatever the relationship was. We all break a promise at some point, we are all human, but we don’t always come do think that the promise was that big a deal – but it was a big deal. Promise is a BIG word and if we by some mistake break one making up for it – insanely quick – is needed if one want  just the slightest possibility of a change to keep the relationship.
If you truly matter to someone, that person will always make time for you – no excuses – no lies – no broken promises… So keep trusting - keep giving your everything…. to all those amazing people in your life who deserves it!