Saturday 8 September 2012


Hope keeps something alive in us even when the evidence to a particular circumstance says otherwise.

It is a spiritual grace and is distinct from positive thinking, which refers to a psychological process for reversing pessimism.

Your Creator knows your struggles, your pain, and your needs.
You will never be forgotten or abandoned.

Forget those things that are behind you and pursue the things that are ahead of you.
You have a purpose and calling on your life, you are one of a kind and loved 

Try to be patient; it is never over until your Creator says it is over.
You have a divine destiny and no forces on Earth or in Hell can take that from you.

the creature of universe

Even after hearing "no" time after time, or not hearing anything at all, do not give up. The right people are in your path and you will meet them when it is time, timing is everything.

One day you will look back and see how all the pieces fit together, the dots will connect, the good choices and the bad choices that we made, and then you will understand that everything happened for a reason.

When I feel that pang of regret, I have to remember and know that there was a reason it did not work out the way I wanted, what do they say about not getting what we want?
"Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want." 

hope can do what the natural cannot, people and circumstances change, and miracles still happen. You can follow the Light of the world and not live in darkness, but you have to believe it in your soul, not just your mind.

When you feel that all your strength is gone, when you have prayed and cannot pray any longer, when discouragement and despair seem to overwhelm you, it does not matter how long it has been, our Creator can turn it around. 

When the world says, "Give up,"

Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

Thursday 6 September 2012

life is music

Living is music
Your actions daily
compose the notes
Your actions daily
Write the lyrics
Of the song
In living,
Your life
Is part of the melody
For others to hear
And sing along
We each are one
Of the poets in life
We each always
Are part of the song
As common as water
From the front yard tap
As unique as each babes
First breath
Be noble
Your soul
Is made of stardust
Be humble
Your body
Is made of Earth
Be good, do good
Be curious
Be inquisitive
Never, never judge
If you can’t yet
Write a few
Of the answers in life
Be the one
Who asks the questions

Wednesday 5 September 2012



I want to talk about learningBut not the lifeless, sterile, futile, quickly forgotten stuff that is crammed in to the mind of the poor helpless individual tied into his seat by ironclad bonds  of conformity! I am talking about LEARNING - the insatiable curiosity that drives the adolescent boy to absorb everything he can see or hear or read about gasoline engines in order to improve the efficiency and speed of his 'cruiser'. I am talking about the student who says, "I am discovering, drawing in from the outside, and making that which is drawn in a real part of me." I am talking about any learning in which the experience of the learner progresses along this line: "No, no, that's not what I want"; "Wait! This is closer to what I am interested in, what I need"; "Ah, here it is! Now I'm grasping and comprehending what I need and what I want to know!"
Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring information .Learning as memorising. Learning is storing information that can be reproduced as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary.Learning as interpreting and understanding reality in a different way.A man knowing little or nothing of medical science could not be a good surgeon, but excellence at surgery is not the same thing as knowledge of medical science; not is it a simple product of it. The surgeon must indeed have learned from instruction, or by his own inductions and observations, a great number of truths; but he must also have learned by practice a great number of aptitudes.Learning how or improving an ability is not like learning that or acquiring information. Truths can be imparted, procedures can only be inculcated, and while inculcation is a gradual process, imparting is relatively sudden.

Sunday 2 September 2012



Each of us possess certain strengths and weaknesses and these often shape and may even dictate how we attack and approach life. And for many of us, knowing what we're best at and worst at doesn't necessarily come easily amid living up to what others expect of us in life, socially, professionally and peer-wise. In doing what others expect of us, we can sometimes overlook this important self-knowledge and not make the most of our talents. Job interviewers ask this question as a test of how well you will fit into their organization; you need to ask it of yourself to know how well you know yourself and whether you're living up to your full potential.Strengths are considered to be the talents, innate abilities and desires that "click" for you. In other words, these are the things that you'd be tempted to say "It wasn't effort, I've always had the ability to ...". Strengths should not be confused with skills, which can be learned or improved (for example, confidence and assertiveness are skills). Although self examination can lead you to a few answers, getting an outside opinion will help you either solidify your observations or can shatter a few illusions too.
Choose someone who will give you the truth and not sugarcoat or gloss over your weaknesses. If mom always tells you that you are the best in everything you do (when you know full well that you are not) kindly decline mom’s offer to be your feedback person. However, if your sister picks on everything you do, she’s not a good candidate either. Find an external, neutral person, preferably a peer or a mentor, to give you honest feedback.